The quick answer--it's the people I'm connected to. My middle name is Five (really), and everyone I'm connected to makes up my hive. Some people call it a network, but that doesn't rhyme with my middle name.
Why another blog about social networking and social media? Fair question.
I've been using online social networks in one form or another since 1989. Back then it was all BBSs. Those were the local Bulletin Board Systems that I would physically call by having my computer and modem dial a local phone number and connect to someone else's computer. Usually only one person could be on a BBS at a time. Each BBS had various forums (similar to chat rooms) for conversations, and real time chat (IM) with the sysadmin (the person running the BBS). These were social networks in their early form, but they led to what we have today. And I'm still friends with many of the people I met on those BBSs.
Once it became easier to connect to the Internet (back then it was still written with a capital 'I'), I found the next step in the evolution of social networks and social media--various real-time chat (IRC, ICQ, AIM, etc.), forums that mimicked the BBSs I was used to, and web pages run by people who wanted to reach out and meet the world. The global social network was real.
And then the internet blew up. It expanded and grew and became this amazing living tool. I've had websites. I've had blogs. I joined twitter in 2007. I've been active on most of the big social network sites at various times, using a variety of social media. I love them. I love watching as social media has evolved. I love playing with it and growing my hive, my social network.
When friends need help coming up with ways to promote their businesses, personal blogs, or what have you, they come to me.
When the huge organization I work for decided to finally start using social media to promote themselves, the main office (several states away) asked for my help because I'm a social media evangelist.
When I see businesses failing at using social media to support themselves, I cringe.
In short, through years of experience I've become an expert in social networking through social media. I want to use that expertise to help you and people you know.
Search for social media marketing
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